Month: October 2017

Pattern Reviews

The Zebra Cowl Neck Shirt – McCall’s 6841

This pattern is no longer in print, but can be found on Amazon and other sellers. This version of McCalls 6841 is the shirt I affectionately refer to as my zebra shirt. Based on the black and white striping, I could just have easily called it my jail bird shirt …

One Pattern, One Week???

I wish I’d watched Lindsey’s October plans video before I published my own. I’m a huge fan of Inside the Hem and have scuttled my plans before based on Lindsey’s videos. She reminded me of One Week, One Pattern and now I want to do that, too! What is #OWOP17? …
Pattern Reviews

Spanish Loretta

Sometime over the summer I decided that what my wardrobe needed most was tops. Easy ones. I’d had a run of projects that didn’t work out, stuff that was fitted and needed special attention in the boobs, in the short waistness, in the everywhere. I was out of patience and …